Hamleys South Africa currently has 8 Wattman trains running in shopping centers where its stores are positioned, representing almost a 100% hit rate.
This proves the commercial viability and the demand for children’s entertainment within the top 10 shopping destinations in South Africa.
Not only do these trains bring smiles to the faces of children as well as parents and adults alike, but these beautifully crafted works of art also add immense value to the Hamleys brand (which is celebrating 258 years of heritage this year) as well as to the shopping centers in which they operate.
People are always looking for different experiences and activities. These trains serve as crowd-pullers and allow Hamleys to offer a unique experience while generating a revenue stream and brand awareness.
I wholeheartedly recommend them as an exciting addition to any brand! We have had three years of trouble-free operation and ongoing support from an amazing team!
Philip Paphitis, CEO Hamleys South Africa.